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Our business model is designed to educate, train and prepare healthcare professionals at scale. With projected nursing and physician shortages on the rise, it’s a public health imperative to create a robust pipeline of qualified and diverse talent to meet these evolving needs and fill critical healthcare gaps for the betterment of the healthcare industry and the wellbeing of our communities.
Sustain Empower Stat Card 27680
healthcare degrees and certificates granted during the 2023-2024 academic year.1
Sustain Empower Header Text
Empowering Individuals
Impacting Global Communities
Sustain Operating Stat Card SWG
Sustainability Working Group reorganized to integrate best practices for sustainability into our business operations.
Sustain Safeguarding Overview with Image
As a leader in healthcare education, Adtalem recognizes that the well-being of people, animals and the environment is closely tied to the way we care for our planet. We seek to instill this philosophy in our students, so they may be empowered throughout their careers to act toward mitigating a range of global challenges. By expanding our students’ collective understanding of this interconnectivity, we are nurturing change in communities where our students go on to practice and working to ease the effects climate change can have on public health across the globe. In doing so, we are working to deliver transformative care everywhere.
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As of Feb. 13, 2025 03:44 PM
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